pondering in peru

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Friday, April 4, 2014


i think this module set out a good foundation for the understanding of what culture really is. culture is such an intense word, and the definition is so vast. i really liked the iceberg comparison. i think it's important to realize that , just like an iceberg, there are many aspects that are observable in a culture, but there are many more aspects that you don't don't to experience until you completely immerse yourself in that culture.

i completely agree with the things that were taught in this module. it's always a good reminder to resist the critical thoughts and actions that may be geared towards cultural traditions of other countries. culture is such a broad term and it's good to break it down and truly come to understand what the word culture really encompasses.

the information in this module has really set a good foundation for my cultural understanding. it has made me realize that i am about to embark on a journey that will take me places, both physically and emotionally, that i haven't been before. there is no right or wrong culture. i think this idea sometimes a precedence over american culture. when you grow up in a certain culture it can be hard to know anything else. it can be hard to accept new things and enjoy differences. lucky for me i really appreciate and love new cultures and ideas, so i can't wait to get out and experience peru!

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